5.00(9 Ratings)

PEN – Nível A1

  • Sobre o Curso

Sobre o Curso

O Programa de Ensino por Nível (PEN) é uma coletânea de cursos de Inglês perfeita para quem quer atingir seus objetivos sem precisar sair do conforto de casa. Você também pode fazer o curso enquanto espera em uma fila ou entre as tarefas do seu dia a dia. Essa série exclusiva de cursos abrange todos os níveis de conhecimento para você estudar de forma autônoma, no seu ritmo.
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R$ 360,00
  • Público Alvo

Público Alvo

  • Estudantes aprendendo inglês ou fazendo o resgate de seu nível.
  • Requisitos

  • Carga Horária

Duração do Curso 20h
  • Marcadores

Conteúdo do Curso

Welcome to PEN Adult A1!

Week 3
Imperative: directions and instructions. Prepositions of place: in, on, at. Adresses. Places in town. Means of transportation.

Week 4
Possessive Nouns (genitive case). Family relations. Questions with Who. Physical descriptions with verb to be and with have/has. Irregular plurals.

Week 5
Questions with When and What time. Days of the week. Months. Ordinal numbers (days). Prepositions of time: in, on, at. Late/early/on time.

Week 6
Demonstrative pronouns. Clothes. Order of adjectives (size, color, material). Present simple: need, want, like, have. Why/because. Store dialogs.

Week 7
Simple Present: yes/no questions, statements, information questions. Verbs of routine. Questions with How often. Adverbs of frequency and time expressions (every day, on Sundays, etc)

Mid-term test

Week 8
There is/ there are - yes/no questions, information questions, statements. Questions with How many. Rooms in the house. Furniture and home appliances.

Week 9
Present Continuous: yes/no questions, information questions, statements. Present Continuous meaning a future plan. Common verbs. Prepositions of place: behind, between, in front of, etc.

Week 10
Countable and uncountable nouns: food and drinks. Some and any. How much x How many.

Week 11
Past Simple: was/were, regular verbs, irregular verbs - yes/no questions, information questions, statements.

Week 12
Parts of the body. Illnesses and injuries. Should for suggestions and advice: yes/no questions, information questions, statements.

Week 13
Modal Can: abilities and requests/permission. Modal could: requests/permission. Too + adjective. "Would you like...?" for invitations.

Week 14
Be going to for future plans: yes/no questions, information questions, statements. Invitations and offers: accept and decline politely.

Final test

Avaliações do Curso

Total 9 Ratings
9 Ratings
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0 Rating
0 Rating
10 meses atrás
Ótima experiência.
Curso essencial, me ajudou muito a revisar os conteúdos que já havia aprendido, e estavam em defasagem, e também conteúdos que ainda não tinha visto. Obrigado, e vamos por mais!
Amei as aulas são super interativas, recomendo!!
Ótimas atividades e acessibilidade do curso.
Plataforma dinâmica, um novo modo de se aprender inglês
1 ano atrás
Os exercícios são bem interativos, há bastante imagem para melhor entendimento e associação das palavras com os significados, além das aulas serem bem explicadas.
2 anos atrás
Nota 1000!
Muito bom !!!
2 anos atrás

O que vou aprender?

  • Verb to be in the simple present tense: Yes/No questions, affirmative and negative statements
  • Possessive adjectives
  • Professions
  • Introductions
  • Spelling
  • Numbers
  • More information questions with verb to be in the present (How old, Where, What)
  • Countries and nationalities
  • Imperative: directions and instructions
  • Prepositions of place: in, on, at
  • Adresses
  • Places in town
  • Means of transportation
  • Possessive Nouns (genitive case)
  • Family relations
  • Questions with Who
  • Physical descriptions with verb to be and with have/has
  • Irregular plurals
  • Questions with When and What time
  • Days of the week, months
  • Ordinal numbers
  • Prepositions of time: in, on, at
  • Late/early/on time
  • Demonstrative pronouns
  • Clothes
  • Order of adjectives (size, color, material)
  • Present simple: need, want, like, have
  • Why/because
  • Store dialogs
  • Simple Present: yes/no questions, statements, information questions
  • Verbs of routine
  • Questions with How often
  • Adverbs of frequency and time expressions
  • There is/ there are - yes/no questions, information questions, statements
  • Questions with How many
  • Rooms in the house
  • Furniture and home appliances
  • Present Continuous: yes/no questions, information questions, statements
  • Present Continuous meaning a future plan
  • Common verbs
  • Prepositions of place
  • Countable and uncountable nouns: food and drinks
  • Some and any
  • How much x How many
  • Past Simple: was/were, regular verbs, irregular verbs - yes/no questions, information questions, statements
  • Parts of the body
  • Illnesses and injuries
  • Should for suggestions and advice: yes/no questions, information questions, statements
  • Modal Can: abilities and requests/permission
  • Modal could: requests/permission
  • Too + adjective
  • "Would you like...?" for invitations
  • Be going to for future plans: yes/no questions, information questions, statements
  • Invitations and offers: accept and decline politely